Omni Nano
Omni Nano develops interactive educational materials and resources to introduce nanotechnology courses into existing science curricula. By updating STEM education, we can inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers.
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Buckyballs are spherical nanomaterials with all three dimensions confined at the nanoscale.
Sample application:
Microscopy of buckyballs
Carbon nanotubes are tubular / cylindrical nanomaterials with
2 dimensions at the nanoscale.
Sample application:
Graphene is a planar nanomaterial with 1 dimension confined at the nanoscale.
Sample application:
Nanotubes, graphene, and buckyballs are new allotropic forms of carbon.
All of these are made entirely of carbon atoms, but different structural arrangement of the atoms result in different materials
Structural difference give the new, nano allotropes different properties from other forms of carbon. Example:
In diamond all carbons are bound to 4 other carbon atoms, but our nano-material structures have carbon bound to 3 other carbon atoms.
By only being bound to 3 other C's, the nano-based materials have C atoms with a free electron pair - this is what makes nanotubes and graphene good conductors of electricity vs. diamond.
Structure of Diamond
Structure of graphene, carbon nanotubes, and buckyballs
Model of a carbyne rope
Carbyne is predicted to be shaped as a rope structure
Nanowires = “wire-like” structures with 1-100 nm cross-section.
Made of copper, metals, metal oxides.
Examples of copper nanowires:
Sample application:
Bulk copper wire
Nanoparticles are small aggregates/clusters of atoms with dimensions between 1-100 nm.
Generally spherical in shape but, but can have many different faces depending on the size.
Sample application:
Carbon Nanotubes: Watch how nanotubes are made and some interesting properties they have as they are played with in the lab.
The science that makes it so special.
Applications of the next revolutionary material.
To learn more about nanotechnology, visit
By Omni Nano
What are Nanomaterials?
Omni Nano develops interactive educational materials and resources to introduce nanotechnology courses into existing science curricula. By updating STEM education, we can inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers.