What's Unique About the Nanoscale?
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How “big” is “nano” ?
- The prefix “ nano” means “ one billionth”, or 10-9.
- A nanometer (nm) is one billionth of a meter.
- Nanometers are typically used to define dimensions between 0.1 nm (10-10 m) and 100 nm (10-7m).

- Nanoscale: Nanoscale is a scale of measurements that uses “nano” or “10-9” as a multiplier to define its order of magnitude.
Nanoscale measurements
- Ex: Nanometers ->
- “ nano” defines the “scale” or “order of magnitude” of the unit of measurement.
- “ meter” is the unit of measurement for linear dimensions (e.g., length).
- It’s just like centimeter: where “centi” defines the order of magnitude 10-2.
- Ex: Nanometers ->
- Nanomaterials are talked about in nanometers, but nanoscale can apply to any unit of measure:
- Electrical current (nA: nanoamps).
- Voltage (nV: nanovolts).
- Time (ns: nanoseconds).
- Concentration (nM: nanomolar).
- Etc...
Visualize Nano
- We can try to visualize how small nano is by thinking about the various scales and powers of ten (10x).
- Try to relate them to things around you.
Look at the powers of ten from astronomical scale to atomic scale and beyond.
- in other words 10 26 to 10 -18.
Examine powers of ten in our own bodies.
Nanomaterials on a dimensional scale
- Typical nanomaterials in the 1-100 nm scale are shown on the lower side of the dimensional scale.
- The smallest nanomaterials are comparable in size to molecules, such as caffeine.
- Mid-size nanomaterials are comparable to biological macromolecules, such as nucleic acids and antibodies.
- Larger nanomaterials are comparable to viruses, and are still much smaller than any living entity (i.e., bacterial cells).

Nanomaterials vs Bulk Materials
- Nanomaterials offer unique properties compared to “bulk” materials.
- The uniqueness of nanomaterials and the ability to manipulate them is what makes nanotechnology so exciting and diverse.
- To understand just how unique nanomaterials are, let’s discuss characteristics of “non-nano” or bulk materials.
Bulk materials:
- the materials and items you are used to dealing with (larger than nanoscale).
- intrinsic properties are generally fixed, regardless of their shape, size, etc...
Bulk materials have fixed properties
- For example; the FIXED properties of gold in bulk.
- A piece of gold in a coin, a nugget, or part of a printed circuit board, will have the same properties (aka they are fixed).
- All bulk forms melt at same temp, have the same conductivity & density…

Bulk: different structure, different properties
- The only way to change the properties of bulk materials is to change its chemical composition or structure.
For instance, to change the conductivity of iron, you must make an alloy with other elements.
- You can see on the table how the conductivity changes as you combine iron with aluminum, silicon, carbon, etc.
Another example is if you want to change the color of a food dye molecule, you must completely change the chemical structure of the molecule.
Conductivity of iron-based alloys Color of food dye molecules

Nanomaterials do not have fixed properties
Nanomaterials behave differently from the corresponding bulk scale material.
At the nanoscale, everything is changeable!
- For a given nanomaterial, the properties are not fixed, but determined by the size and shape of the material.
- Not the chemical composition.
This is one of the most important concepts of nanotechnology.
- Characteristics of nanomaterials are dependent on structures, but strongly on size and shape.
- The same material can display radically different properties due to varying sizes, shapes.
Properties at the nanoscale: changing shape
All the properties (electrical, mechanical, chemical, etc.) are dependent of the size and shape of the material.
- To illustrate this concept, we will examine optical properties (color).
For example: Gold
- In BULK we know gold always has the same color no matter how it is shaped or the size of a gold object.

Properties at the nanoscale: changing shape
All the properties (electrical, mechanical, chemical, etc.) are dependent of the size and shape of the material.
For example: Gold
- At the NANOSCALE optical properties change as a function of size (diameter).
- Gold nanoparticles are easily made in the 1-100 nm range; here we have varying diameters of gold nanoparticles dispersed in solution.
- 100 nm gold nanoparticles are orange/brown, 10 nm gold nanoparticles are bright red, 1 nm nanoparticles are transparent.

Solutions on gold nanoparticles
Properties at the nanoscale: changing shape
- These are all gold atoms, but have very different properties!
- It is important to emphasize that the size and shape of these materials is more important than their chemical composition (which has not changed).
- Nanomaterial sizes range 2 orders of magnitude (1-100).

Properties at the nanoscale: changing shape
Example: Cadmium Selenide (CdSe)
- In BULK (left) CdSe appears gray to the eye, like a gray slab/tombstone
- At the NANOSCALE (right), the color of CdSe color is dependent on its diameter
Very extreme example where a small variation in diameter results in a big change in color
- The difference between 3 and 5.5 nm is only 1.5 nm -- TINY TINY TINY! (** remember, a single nucleotide is 1 nm!)

Cadmium Selenide
Cadmium Selenide Quantum Dots
Shape matters too!
Another look at how optical properties are changed, this time by shape.
- Here we examine nanoparticles of very similar sizes but with different crystalline structures -> therefore, different shapes.
Different shape configurations of nanoparticles.

Size & Shape-dependent
- Silver nanoparticles change color with different sizes and shapes.
- Great example of how size AND shape change the properties of a given nanomaterial.
- Illustrates chemical composition is not as important to change properties of nanomaterials.

Example: Al nanoparticles

- We took a look into the difference in optical properties between bulk and the nano equivalent of the same material.
Remember, there are many other properties that change with size and shape of nanomaterials.
- Not just optical properties/color.
- Aluminum for example…
Bulk Aluminum
Aluminum nanoparticles combust on contact with air!

Size and Shape-dependent
The chemical composition of the material is not as important as its size and shape for the resulting properties in nanomaterials.
- Nanomaterials can be tuned by various sizes or shapes
- “Custom made” to have specific, desired properties
- Now we can use materials with tailored properties for different applications
In-Class Assignment
Using your own words:
- List the following in order of increasing size: a buckyball, a soccer ball, a human red blood cell, a virus, an antibody, a molecule of insulin (a hormone), an E. coli cell, a molecule of methanol, and an 80-nm gold nanoparticle.
- Don’t know the size of something, look it up!
- Nanoscale refers to the magnitude 10x; x =?
- What kind of properties are fixed in bulk materials that may be different at the nanoscale? Give 2 examples.
- Properties of nanomaterials depend on their ___ and ___.

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To learn more about nanotechnology, visit omninano.org